Day: October 17, 2023

Fruit Orchard

Hello everyone! today I have finished my maths task for today, this task was about Fruit orchards, basically it was a story with questions that we had to work out and find the answer. To complete this task we had to read the stories and try to work out the answer to the questions that were in the slides. Me and my best friend Victoria worked on this task as we are in the same group for maths! This task was really easy and fun to do! Me and my best friend Victoria worked on this task as we are in the same group for maths! My highlight for this task was me and my best friend working together to find out the answer. My lowlight for this task was that this task was very very easy to do, I do hope that our Teacher Whaea Saf would give us harder work to do, but that will only be in the maths tests we do, anyways GOODBYE!!