Tag: Literacy task

Book Trailer (One friday morning by Langston Hughes)

Hello everyone! I have finished my literacy task! as you can tell by the title and the slides, We did Book trailers about A story named One Friday morning by langston hughes. Make sure to check out some other students video, and make sure to leave a positive comment GOODBYE!!!

Adjectives, Adverbs, and Similes (Writing T4 W2)

Hello today I have finished my Literacy work! What we had to do was to use Adjectives, Adverbs, and Similes which was super fun to do! what I really liked doing was the Rewriting for Improvement because I like to rewrite things that don’t make sense, I always love to add Adverbs, Adjectives and similes because it make the story or paragraph make more sense! But overall I liked every thing! Hope you all enjoy! as I will see you guys later! BYE FOR NOW 👍 👍 👍