Tag: term 3

Karawhiua! Give it heaps!

For this term the theme is Karawhiua which means Give it heaps. To introduce the theme Karawhiua into our school we had all of our teachers create a movie to introduce the elements of what their team will be learning for the term. Our team 5 teachers created a movie about Mr Wiseman learning how to juggle. All the teachers had to make a prediction which if they thought Mr Wiseman could archive his goal about juggling or not. Miss Langitupu and Mr Moran thought that Mr Wiseman could archive his goal, And the rest of the team 5 teachers didn’t think he could. In the holidays Mr Wiesman had to practise his juggling. On his 1 day he wasn’t good, but after 2 weeks he could juggle like a pro!

Lets move onto highlights and low-lights about my holidays! My highlight for the holidays was spending time with my family on my sisters birthday and eating Steak and mashed potatoes. My low-light for my holidays was rotting in my bed and watching mukbangs on tiktok.

My learning goals for term 3 is Participating in more sports and Kelly sports. My second goal is keeping on top of my work, and finishing it on time and also turning it in. My goals for outside of school become more active and introduce myself to more people.

Hall of fame Maths Whizz

HI GUYS!! As you can see I have made to the hall of fame in Maths whizz! The hall of fame is something where when you finish all your maths whizz progressions and rubys you get to the hall of fame! Doing this wasn’t really easy I had to do heaps of math assesments and tests to get this. I had eventualy ended up getting 6 progressions and 6 rubys! My favourite thing about the hall of fame was seeing all my friends in the hall of fame. Next time I’m going to aim for Master, as I am only a Apprentice. GOODBYE!!