Category: Hanga | Create

I can’t imagine my life without…

Things I can’t imagine my life without…  

I picked:

  • Food: I can’t imagine my life without food because food is really important to me because if there were no food I would starve.

  • School: I can’t imagine my life without school because if there was no school at all than people would learn nothing and stay dumb.

  •  Trees & plants: I can’t imagine my life without trees & plants because if there were no trees and plants you can’t breathe oxygen. And if there were no plants you wouldn’t be able to grow plants.


Response to text – Tuatai Literacy Task

Hello welcome back to my blog today I have finished my response to text as you can see the article I read was Tuatai it is a Plane based story where a boy named Lagi also named Tigi-I-lagi but his friends call him stinky. this story is about a boy going on a plane by himself to visit his Grandma in Samoa he meets the pilot and the flight attendant they have a little talk and set off. It was really fun to do and I really liked doing this and I really hope I can do this again. Hope you enjoy this presentation!

KPMG thank you letter

 Dear KPMG Sophia

My name is Kensi and I am in Room 7 at Point England School. Last week on Tuesday the 28th of June,we went to MOTAT. I am writing this letter to thank you for being a helper during our school trip. 

My favourite part of MOTAT was Block coding, because you could program it to fight with other peoples Mbots, I also liked how we could build armour using Lego. Something else I enjoyed at MOTAT was the tram ride because we could learn facts about the tram like how many trams there were in Auckland, and how they transferred to different countries.

I really appreciate you helping us at MOTAT because you were helping us with coding and telling us interesting things about the rooms and how they worked.

I liked how our group got to code with the help of you guys because it was very difficult and it was our first time ever coding our first working robot.

Thank you for your help Sophia





Hello welcome back to my blog, I am writting this letter to my Leader Sophie for MOTAT because my leader was A volunteer from KPMG so I just wanna thank her for looking after us So here is my letter Have a nice day!



Response to Text (Narrative) – Room 8 Literacy (2022)

Hello welcome back to my blog! today, I Have finished my response to text. This really cool article is called trespass by Vince Ford, what I like about the story was the end when they were skimming rocks across a Waterhole. What I found interesting about this presentation was the Vocabulary because Even though there was some hard words i could still read the article and figure out what it means. The most easiest part of this presentation was the Challenge because I could tell what was happening in the story and I could Write it down in this Presentation. Hope you Enjoy and make sure you leave a positive comment on my blog!