Category: Hanga | Create

The triangle – Maths task

Todays maths task was all about the different types of Triangles! This task was both hard and easy, What I found a little hard was the names of the triangles, and the names of the angles, but the rest was SUPER easy. I hope our teacher could still give us hard work but it fine if she doesn’t BUT anyways Hope you enjoy my slide show! GOODBYE!!!


Today I have finished my task description, It was about Polygons! the first challenge was to count the perimeter and add it on each polygon, the next task we had to name all the types of polygons, and the last task we had to make our own shape and describe how many vertices sides and degrees it has. This task was very easy and quick to do! I hope one day our teacher can move me up a group because right now I am in the lowest maths group! but anyways thats enough Hope you enjoyed it GOODBYE!!

What to eat at a bakery if your on a balanced diet.

Today I have finished my Inquiry task what we had to do was find foods that were healthy for a Balanced diet at the bakery this was very fast and easy. To do this task we had to find some pictures off google that people sold at the bakery and pick out the most healthiest options to eat at a bakery. GOODBYE!!

Shapes are Everywhere!

Hello everyone today I have finished my maths task for the day today we were learning about 2D shapes this task was easy to do. What we had to do was to describe a shape EX: “A square has four sides and has four corners all sides are equal and its interior angles are 90 degrees.” and on the last slide we had to guess what shape it was we had to figure it out by looking at the clues our teacher gave us on that slide it was very easy to do once again I hope our teacher can move me up a group though… But anyways GOODBYE!!

WODB – Shapes

Task description: Today I have finished my maths task for today and this task was about finding out which shape doesn’t belong? This task was really easy and fun to do and I liked how this was a challenge for me and my group to do for maths. I also liked how this task asked me questions about shapes and I had to figure out which one didn’t belong, I enjoyed doing this task and I hope to do this task again. Thank you for looking at this blog post I hope you enjoyed it bye!

Area and perimeter

Hello in today’s task description I have finished my maths task for the day Today’s task was easy just like the others, what we had to do was add the perimeter and times the area as you can see on my slides my highlight about this task was NOTHING because I hate doing school work but since I am done talking im going to go so GOODBYE!!